The Joey Section is for girls and boys aged between 5 and 8 years ( 5 year olds must be at school).
The theme of Joey Scouts is Australian animals with leaders adopting animal name. Joey scouts is based around the motto of Help Other People ( HOP). Joey scouts work on 4 badges throughout the year- Environment, Buddy, Caring and Sharing, Adventurer. Joeys and leaders work together as one group, undertaking activities which contribute to the badges. Meetings usually consist of games, craft, stories and learning things by doing them, and nights are often based on a theme. The aim of Joeys is to have fun introduction to scouting while building confidence in the hope that when old enough, our joeys will continue their scouting journey by moving up to cubs.
Some of our recent activities include - Baking slices for Spare Meals Geelong - Science night - Pirate themed “bring a friend” night - Knights of Joeylot - library visit - visit from local CFA truck - Indoor Rock Climbing - 10 pin Bowling