The Scout Section is for girls and boys aged between 10.5 and 14 years. Scouts is based on working in small groups (Patrols) and developing leadership skills, teamwork, confidence and abilities through involvement in many different activities.
During each year, there are a variety of camps, hikes and activities away from the hall, as well as weekly meetings both at the Scout hall and at different venues.
Every 3 years, our Scouts have the chance to attend the Australian Jamboree. Bayjam, the Victorian Jamboree, is held in each of the 2 years in between. Opportunities also exist to attend International Jamborees. Some of our recent exploits include: Competing in the Cohen Shield activity/skills statewide competition Competing in the Stradbroke Cup 5 day camping competition
Hiking – Tasmania, Blackwood, Point Addis, Grampians, Great Ocean Walk… 5 day Grampians camp Anzac day – our own Dawn Service at Lake Modewarre Canoeing – locally and a hike Construction - towers, bridges and rafts! Cooking – 3 courses and delicious Upcoming - AJ 2025 at Maryborough, QLD – 10,000+ Scouts!